
What Is Beauty?


Beauty is a concept that has puzzled philosophers, poets, and artists for centuries. The word is used to describe the experience of pleasure that a particular thing or object brings to our senses, whether it be an artwork, the smell of coffee in the morning, or a breathtaking sunset.

The term is often used in a negative way, for example to denote something that is ugly or unattractive, but the idea of beauty is not confined to physical objects. It can also include emotional or spiritual feelings that a person experiences when they are looking at a work of art.

One of the most common definitions of beauty is that it consists in an arrangement of integral parts into a coherent whole, according to proportion, harmony, symmetry, and similar notions. This conception is rooted in the Western philosophical tradition, and it is reflected in classical architecture, sculpture, music, and literature.

Thomas Aquinas, a 12th-century Christian theologian, connected beauty with the Second Person of the Trinity. He enumerated three qualifications for things to be considered beautiful: integrity (integritas sive perfectio), harmony (debita proportion sive consonantia), and clarity (claritas).

This notion of beauty is rooted in nature, but has been subjected to human interpretation. For instance, some people are color-blind and have a yellow cast to everything they see, while other individuals experience different colors in the same scene. This is not the case with all colors, but it is a characteristic of many human experiences.

Aesthetic appreciation is also a mental process that involves the brain, imagination, and other cognitive processes. This is why it is important for designers to consider the ways in which beauty can influence customer behavior, and why they need to consider how they can incorporate these qualities into their design work.

Several different approaches have been developed to define the concept of beauty, and each view has its own distinctive characteristics. For example, Kant’s hedonism focuses on the pleasure that arises from disinterested appreciation of beauty, while Plotinus’s neo-Platonism views beauty as a unity of an object that calls out love and adoration.

The most influential of these accounts is probably Santayana’s, which stresses the importance of our subjective experience of beauty and the role it plays in shaping our attitudes toward the world around us. However, there are several other prominent treatments of beauty that emphasize the objective aspects of it.

Ancient philosophy, such as the thought of Plato, tends to be very objective in its approach to aesthetics. This is because in Plato’s world, there is an underlying realm of forms that is true and unchangeable, while the world we live in is only a shadow of this realm.

The East, on the other hand, has a much more varied approach to aesthetics. This is because Far Eastern thought has many traditions, and it was not as easy to develop an abstract theory of beauty as in the West. For example, in the Far East, beauty was often discussed in ethical and cosmological contexts.